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Bigfoot Patterns

Walking Bigfoot-01.png

Wood Knocks

 Bigfoot most likely use wood knocks to let the other clan members know there is danger coming, or their location. This would sound like a wooden baseball bat hitting a large hardwood tree. Some say instead of using the stick they hit a tree with a rock or their hand. Others say they make the sound with their mouth. Sometimes you will hear just one, but other times possibly as many as three or four knocks in a row, and many times coming from different directions. No one really knows for sure how they are made, but these knocks are loud and carry over a long distance. While it is unknown what the true meaning is, it is clearly a message sent to others in their clan. 

Howling or Whoops

These sounds are most commonly made at night and are communication between Bigfoot clan members. No one is quite sure of their exact meaning, but it happens in many different locations.

X’s in Trees or on the Ground

X’s are also messages to not go in a certain area. It's like a Bigfoot stop sign or do not enter sign. Again, it is usually a main trail which leads to something they don't want you to see.

Air Raid or Tornado Warning Sounds

Also heard most frequently at night, these resemble the sound of a tornado warning siren or an air raid siren. Once again, no one knows exactly what these vocalizations represent to others in their clan. 

Paralleling or Escorting Out of the Woods


Another way Bigfoot gets you to leave the area is by escorting you out. Typically, they will walk beside you and not behind you, thereby paralleling you, however remaining just out of view. They are the only animal that walks to one side and tries to match steps with you as you walk. There will usually be more than one, but most of the time you will hear only one. This behavior seems to be them escorting you back to your car or where you started from. This appears to be a non-invasive and less scary tactic used by Bigfoot.




The overwhelming majority of Bigfoot eyewitnesses describe them as appearing to glide or float when they walk. Unlike humans, their head does not move up and down but stays on the same horizontal line. This may be because they have an extra joint in their foot, but this has not been proven.

Rock Clacking

 Rock clacking or knocks are very similar to wood knocks but instead of the sound of a tree being hit it sounds like two rocks being knocked together. Again, no one really knows what this sound communicates. 

Talking / Mumbling

There are recordings of communication or language between Bigfoot clan members. It is very fast and sounds like an ancient language. Again, no one has been able to decipher its meaning, but experts have stated that it is definitely a language. There are also many accounts of hearing a baby crying and even singing coming from Bigfoot inhabited areas. 


The Bigfoot growl is a very frightening thing. It is deep and guttural like an alligator in mating season, but louder and scarier. This is another fear tactic to get you to leave their area, one which often initiates the fight or flight response in the witness. My advice if you hear this warning growl is to walk slowly backwards and leave the area. This appears to be a serious threat. 

Tree Structures

There are many types of tree structures. Some are nests which can look like a lean-to while another type of nest looks like a teepee. Both of these will be covered by limbs and leaves and typically have fresh tree boughs laid down on the inside. These are thought to be used to sleep or rest in. Other tree structures consist of broken limbs arranged to mark trails or important areas. They also break limbs to make “big boy trails”. A big boy trail has broken limbs off on both sides of the trail so that the biggest member of the clan can make a quick getaway. There are many other tree structures they make that are too numerous to mention, but all of these are messages to other groups or clan members.



On many occasions if you give the Bigfoot something they value they will give you something in return. The type of gifts they leave vary greatly with some examples being rocks, feathers, limbs woven together, bones, flowers, marbles, etc.




Bigfoot footprints are very similar to human footprints but look much larger than the normal human. They are typically almost 50% as wide as they are long. Humans are typically only 25%- 35% as wide. One of the most notable differences is that their footprints are in a straight line, where ours are offset. There are probably differences in the muscle structure where the leg is attached to the hip, but again this has not been proven. The Bigfoot footprint appears boxy; their toes are as wide as their foot and sometimes even wider. This may be because they have never worn shoes and their toes have not been trained to turn in as most humans do.

Throwing Objects

 Bigfoot will throw items such as rocks, pine cones, acorns, tree limbs and even logs at you in an effort to scare you away. While the majority of reports describe the objects as landing within feet or inches of the person, some people even say that they've been struck by these objects. I believe that Bigfoot actually uses rock-throwing as a weapon, and they are deadly accurate with them. If repeated attempts to scare you out of their area fail, they most likely will try to hit you directly. Most often it is believed there is a baby or young in the area, or a nest or food source they don't want you to find. Never throw any object back, as this could be viewed as a challenge and could end up very badly.

Logs over Roads or Trails

Bigfoot typically will put logs over roads or trails in an attempt to keep you out of an area. Even though trees do naturally fall over roads or trails, the ones bigfoot puts on the road can be spotted because there's no root ball or root hole remaining from where the tree had fallen from. There are many reports of people going down a clear trail or road in one direction only to find a tree blocking their way when returning back down the trail.


Whistles are also used commonly by Bigfoot/Sasquatch clan members to communicate. Some believe it could be a way to draw your attention to allow another Bigfoot to escape your presence. But again, no one really knows their true meaning or why they use this type of sound. It is an interesting fact that many Native American tribes say that a person should never whistle in the woods.

Upside Down Trees

These have been documented in Alaska, Canada, and Washington State, but they can potentially be found anywhere Bigfoot is located. Basically, these are trees that have been uprooted, turned root end up, and then jammed into the ground so that they stand upside down. Some of the trees weigh in excess of 1,100 pounds and were jammed so hard into the ground that they have been there for decades. This is a territorial marker and should be treated as an X, or “do not enter” sign. Anything that could do this must be massive!!!


House Slapping

Bigfoot will hit the side of your house several times as a way to let you know they are upset or angry at you. Repeated nights of this usually means they don't want you there. However, if you only hear a slap once, they may be just letting you know that they are there, or it may be a test to see how you react..

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