Bigfoot/Sasquatch is a being that shares many characteristics of humans as well as animals. They have body parts much like humans: hands, feet, legs, torso, arms, shoulders, and a head. Even their reproductive organs are much like ours. However, they are almost completely covered in hair and have an extremely large and powerful jaw, more like an animal. The Bigfoot/Sasquatch range in color, with auburn, black and gray being the most commonly reported. Adult males can be as much as 10-15 feet tall and weigh more than 1000 lbs. They've been observed moving as both a biped or quadruped. It appears that while they are young, they are more likely to move on all fours, though frequently remaining in trees to avoid danger. As they grow older and larger, they most often move on two legs, but will still travel on all fours if needed, and they are reported to run at astonishing speeds. The older they get, they appear to stay mainly on the ground but will still climb into larger trees. These elusive creatures have abilities that humans tend to either deny or simply cannot comprehend. According to eyewitness statements, all of their physical skills are better than ours. Their strength, speed, agility, hearing, eyesight, and sense of smell far surpass that of humans. There are also many reports of these beings having possible supernatural abilities such as cloaking and telepathy. Humans have lost some of our abilities since we moved from a hunter/gatherer stage to a more modern agrarian culture, but perhaps the sasquatch have retained these skills. No one knows exactly what their origins are, but recent DNA studies reveal they share a large percentage of human mitochondrial DNA.
According to some Native American tribes, the sasquatch have occasionally taken young females from the tribe and mated with them. If this is true crossbreeding has occurred with humans in the past. So, what other abilities and attributes do the Bigfoot/Sasquatch have? By keeping our minds open and learning from witness statements, notable patterns arise. Hopefully, as more eyewitnesses come forward with the details of their encounters, we can begin to put the pieces of this complex puzzle together. It is interesting to note that while Bigfoot/Sasquatch diligently avoid interaction with humans, they are also extremely curious about us and are often caught observing us.
What is
Bigfoot / Sasquatch?

Family Groups
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The Bigfoot/Sasquatch family group is most commonly known as a clan. In each clan there are typically 3 to 5 individuals: the alpha male and female, one or more juveniles, and one or more babies. Along with providing enough food for the clan, they stay in smaller groups because another of their main priorities is to remain undiscovered by humans. They are very curious about us, however, and there are many reports of them watching humans. Since they are rarely seen, though, they really are the true Hide and Seek Champions. Typically, the male moves around and is not with the clan all the time, though returning when a baby is born to help provide food and safety for the clan. At other times he comes and goes, the timing depending on conditions such as food availability and human intrusion in the area. There is usually one that is known as a day watcher who looks for danger while the others are asleep. If danger is detected, they will alert the others by making a wood knock or specific vocalizations.
At certain times of the year, the adults will leave the babies and juveniles in what's called a nursery. The nursery is a safe area where there's plenty of food to sustain the young while the adults travel long distances together to gather food that is ripe in other areas. Surrounding clans can also bring their young to the nursery if allowed by the dominant male. The nursery is usually protected by the juveniles. After a few weeks, the adults will return and any of the young brought in by outside clans will return to their original areas of habitation.
Some clans that experience harsh winter weather conditions and lack of food will migrate to locations where food is more available during these times. You can often hear an increase in vocalizations while the migratory clans are traveling through areas that have localized clans. Basically, the local clans are making sure that the migratory clans do not decide to stop in their area. As springtime approaches, the vocalizations will pick up again as migratory clans are moving back into their home areas. It is not sure how far the migratory clans will move, but it is known that a typical adult can travel 60 miles or more in a night. Therefore, it's easy to see that they can travel long distances over a short period of time when necessary.
Bigfoot size & color
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Bigfoot’s colors vary, much like people. They range from white to black. Some of the most common colors are black, brown, or rust color, but white, blonde, gray, and many others have been witnessed.
The typical adult male Bigfoot can reach 10 to 15 feet tall and over 1,000 lb. Their shoulders are much wider than an average human, and their chest is much thicker. Their arms are also much bigger and longer than humans’, with most witnesses stating they are down by their knees. It is reported that their thigh bones are larger and longer than ours, which makes their knees look lower than ours. Most witnesses say an adult male looks like a bodybuilder on steroids. His shoulders are extremely wide, tapering down to a narrower waist and huge thighs. Their muscles are often seen rippling beneath their hair as they move.
The average female is 7 to 9 feet tall, and 700 to 900 pounds. The female looks thicker and has wider hips and breasts. They sometimes appear to be squarer, or barrel chested, than the shape of the male.
Bigfoot's hands are much bigger and thicker than a person's hand, with many people describing their fingers as looking like sausages. Bigfoot gets their name honestly. They have big feet! A large male can have feet measuring up to 30 inches in length, and about half as wide as they are long. Humans feet are generally only 25 - 35% as wide as their length, thus much narrower looking than an adult Bigfoot. An adult female's foot can be up to18 inches long and almost half as wide. The end of their feet looks almost square. The width of their toes are even with the width of their feet, sometimes even a little wider. Humans’ toes curve in since we have worn shoes almost all our lives, thus our footprints have a curved appearance at the toes.
The Bigfoot appears to have either a short or no neck. This is due to the oversized trapezius muscle which has been seen in many cases. The trapezius is a large, triangular muscle which extends the width of the shoulders, and runs from the skull to the middle of the back. I believe it is this muscularity which makes it appear that they have no neck, or at least a shorter neck than most humans. Many people have reported their head has a point, or crest, or a high sloping forehead, yet others say it is more rounded like ours. The majority, however, say that they have at least some rise in it. Bigfoot's eyes appear to be bigger and more set back than ours, with a more protruding forehead, or thick brow ridge. Their eyes range in color from blue to mostly brown or black. Their ears are reportedly smaller, flatter, and lower on their head, probably due to the larger head size.
Bigfoot/Sasquatch can eat a wide variety of foods. Understandably, due to their size they require a large calorie count to sustain themselves. They can eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, vegetation, insects, and any meat source. They have even been observed peeling and eating the inside of the bark, called cambium, of certain trees. They like to stay near water since almost all water sources typically provide food such as fish, turtles, frogs, shellfish, etc. These water sources also attract other animals such as waterfowl, reptiles, and the game species common to that area, which in turn provide additional food options for the Sasquatch. It appears that by keeping their clans small, they work toward managing the availability of their food sources. For example, if a habitation area has a large population of raccoons but a much smaller population of deer, then they will eat more raccoons first. Some people may say they can't be that smart, however many other species also do this. If food is becoming scarce, coyotes and wolves will travel to locate new food sources, thereby enabling the dwindling population to recover. If the food sources diminish, the Sasquatch typically will move to an area that provides other food sources either in season or when they ripen. By doing this they are able to manage the food sources for the future. So, that is nature at work and I believe Bigfoot/Sasquatch is at the top of Nature's Food Chain.
I believe that Bigfoot/Sasquatch exist in every state in North America and in Canada as there have been reported sightings all over. The population will be different based on the amount of woodlands, water sources, and food availability. Every wooded National Forest has them since they provide a natural barrier between their clans and humans. They prefer areas with lakes, rivers, mountains, and abundant rainfall. These geographic features either hinder or slow the movement of humans, making it easier for these beings to safely escape man’s presence.

Bigfoot/Sasquatch has a vocal ability above and below humans’ range. At the low end it is called infrasound, which is sound below a frequency of 20hz, which humans can’t hear at all. Humans can feel the effect on their body when it happens but are not aware of exactly what is happening to them. Other animals can produce infrasound also. Some of these animals are lions, tigers, elephants, whales, giraffes, and alligators, along with many other animals. Bigfoot/Sasquatch can imitate almost any animal and can even imitate some words made by humans. Most people notice that Bigfoot/Sasquatch sounds are much louder than a normal animal because they have a larger lung capacity. Some believe that Bigfoot/Sasquatch may have more vocal cords than humans. It has been reported that they can produce a tenor and bass sound simultaneously. No animal or human that I know of can do that. I once heard aBigfoot/Sasquatch imitating a dog bark. It had a high tenor sound as well as a deep base bravado at the same time. I believe the Bigfoot/Sasquatch could be the king of vocalization since their range and their ability to copy such a large variety of animals and even humans are unrivaled.

Is Bigfoot Dangerous
Bigfoot / Sasquatch can certainly be dangerous and, based on eyewitness accounts recorded throughout history, I believe they have kidnapped and killed humans in the past. Just like with humans, there are bad apples in every group, and as they are sentient beings, they can be expected to act on their emotions and perceptions in any given situation. Also, like other wild animals, they are quite territorial and thoroughly capable of protecting themselves or others in their clan. Understandably, if you happen upon an aggressive male or protective mother, and he or she perceives you as a threat, it could turn out deadly. Therefore, it's always best to treat them with respect and caution just as you would a bear or other potentially dangerous animal. In the event you see one and you perceive it to be angry or behaving aggressively, the best thing to do is give them space and back away slowly. Never run from any predator, as this could trigger their attack instinct. It has also been advised to never look them in their eyes, as this can be perceived as a direct challenge. Only use a gun or weapon as a last resort. Many eyewitnesses have stated that the Sasquatch are well aware of what firearms are and will turn aggressive if one is drawn in their presence. If you escalate the violence it typically will turn out very badly for the humans involved.
Keep in mind that most often the Sasquatch move in groups, however you will typically only be aware of the presence of one of them. This means that the danger you see could be a mere fraction of the danger you don't see.