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In no way do I consider myself a Bigfoot expert, but I have had many personal experiences from Area 59 in North Georgia, as well as having heard countless eyewitness reports of things that they have seen Bigfoot/Sasquatch do. When you compile this information, you can begin to see tendencies and patterns emerge. But we must keep an open mind and make our own decision of what we think they are. I choose not to judge anyone’s opinions about what Bigfoot/Sasquatch is, because no one knows for sure what exactly they are, or who has the correct theory. This has been a problem for years within the Bigfoot community. Everyone wants to push their own theory as being the absolute only one, instead of remaining open-minded and learning from their knowledge and the knowledge gathered from others’ accounts. If the Bigfoot community came together with their combined knowledge and an open mind, we might finally be able to discern the true nature of these elusive beings. Try to never dismiss anyone’s personal idea, because the more you learn, the more their theory may look more plausible. 

Whereas others have been studying these creatures for many years, I am new to this subject. Many people’s ideas have evolved over time and I’m sure mine might also. My current thoughts lean toward Bigfoot/Sasquatch being a mixture of Gigantopithecus, or another ancient great ape, with human genes mixed in. Some Native American tribes have stated that Bigfoot/Sasquatch has kidnapped and mated with some in their tribe. With this in mind, let’s go into more detail. Gigantopithecus is supposed to have 25% more brain capacity than humans, however humans are believed to have superior thought processing abilities. What if this Gigantopithecus and human DNA combination resulted in the reported abilities of today’s Bigfoot/Sasquatch being? Well then, you ask “where did their supernatural abilities come from?” Let’s consider that some humans already have the following abilities:

Remote Viewing and Clairvoyance – Seeing locations, objects or events from a distance by nonphysical means. This has even been used by the military and police, and the detailed descriptions of these locations have been astounding 

  • Telekinesis – The ability to move objects with one’s mind 

  • Ergo kinesis/Energy Manipulation – Having the ability to manipulate external energies such as electricity, gravity, light, etc., ie: making lights brighter, even to the extent where lightbulbs can explode

  • Telepathy – The ability to communicate by sending and/or receiving thoughts, using no words or other signals

  • Precognition – Having knowledge of future events through extrasensory means 

  • Cloaking – Having the ability to be completely concealed and hard to detect 

There are many more examples of things people have been able to do, but how is this done? Research has shown that normal people use approximately 6% or less of their brain at any given time. People that have these abilities have been able to open and use a higher percentage of their brain. They’re able to focus their mental and physical energy and do the types of things listed above. So, if Bigfoot/Sasquatch have brains 25% larger than ours, imagine their abilities if they could focus and actually use a larger percentage of their brain.

Some say the Sasquatch have been here much longer than us, allowing them more time to develop the usage of further areas of their minds. If this is true, these abilities should come easy for them. What if they could do these things? What if they can detect and disable electronics? What if they could see infrared light, emit an odor at will, cloak, and use telepathic abilities such as “mind speak” and reading minds? These, combined with their superior physical abilities of speed, strength, hearing, and eyesight, would be a tremendous asset toward remaining concealed from humans. Indigenous people who shared the woodlands with these beings have said that you’ll only see them if they want to be seen, and even their sightings were rare. If this idea is true, and they do in fact possess the abilities stated above, it only makes sense that sightings today are even more rare, regardless of the creatures’ enormous size. 

Consider a scenario where you are unknowingly hiking in a Sasquatch habitation area, and one is nearby. If this being were able to use telepathy to predict your movements, they could climb a tree and cloak themselves and you would walk right by, completely unaware of their presence. 

We humans have convinced ourselves that we have the greatest abilities of all creatures, and in some ways we probably do. Therefore, it is understandable that most of us cannot conceive of a being that could possess all these capabilities and remain undetected in our wilderness. However, if their evolution process has enabled them to develop these abilities, it is probably why they have survived so long. Again, this is just my personal idea on what they are, and which could account for what many eyewitnesses have seen and stated. 

One of the attributes of the Sasquatch that is easier to comprehend is their often-reported aggressive demeanor or behavior. Many say they are easily agitated and angered. Like other wild animals, they are territorial and protective of their young and other clan members. If the males do have the huge muscles like witnesses say they do, they probably have the high testosterone levels required to grow and maintain these muscles. Anyone that has been around people who have used steroids to increase their muscle mass, such as some bodybuilders, may have noticed that this often makes them agitated, aggressive, or unpredictable (sometimes called “roid rage”). It would seem logical that the male Sasquatch may have some of these issues if they have high testosterone levels. 

It is my belief that most of these creatures want to hide their existence and have nothing to do with humans, humans being the largest threat to their existence. But as I said previously, every culture has had bad apples, and I believe that in the past there have been occasions where humans have been kidnapped or killed by them. If the Bigfoot/Sasquatch were in a position where they perceive a human as a threat to their young or their clan members, could this be a possible scenario where a human could be killed? This would not be so unlike a human’s response to a significant threat to their loved ones. Another understandable reason for aggression toward humans would be if a Bigfoot/Sasquatch is expelled from a clan, is injured to the point that he can’t hunt, or is older and not able to sustain itself, it could result in killing humans as a food source. However, I consider these to be unusual or rare occasions. Most of the time they are trying to scare you and get you to leave their area. If they truly wanted to kill you, it would be a quick ambush, easily accomplished with their power. Again, I think everyone has the right to their own opinion without criticism. At this point in time, this is what I hope they are. But despite many encounters and numerous witness statements, still no one has conclusively figured out what exactly they are or where they came from. Maybe if everyone could be open minded and put aside their differences then together we can hopefully solve this huge puzzle.

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